廣結善緣 觀成法師主講          回MP3下載區    回目錄    回主頁

第 七 輯            (粵語主講  MP3 格式)                       

1. 三字大明咒 3:39
2. 呂洞賓皈依黃龍禪師 4:07
3. 慈悲梁皇寶懺 3:29
4. 唐․白居易 3:28
5. 佛法文獻是人類文明寶藏 4:02
6. 舍利子 3:20
7. 大乘佛法八宗 3:30
8. 三論宗 3:34
9. 法相宗 4:17
10. 天台宗 4:14
11. 華嚴宗 4:27
12. 密宗 3:41
13. 律宗 3:38
14. 禪宗 4:19
15. 淨宗 3:44


莫 生 氣
人生就像一場戲 因為有緣才相聚
相扶到老不容易 是否更該去珍惜
為了小事發脾氣 回頭想想又何必
別人生氣我不氣 氣出病來無人替
我若氣死誰如意 況且傷神又費力
鄰居親朋不要比 兒孫瑣事由他去
吃苦享樂在一起 神仙羨慕好伴侶

Don’t be Angry!

Life is like a drama after all,
To know one another is a valuable chance.
It is hard to cherish it till old ages,
Is it worthy to nourish them all?
To be furious over trivial matters,
Is meaningless and will be repented of.
So others feel angry yet I do not,
Illness due to it will not be accounted for.
Who will become happy should I die for anger?
It’s harmful and wasteful overall!
Compare not with friends and neighbours,
For children’s trifles let them go.
Stay close together for better and for worse,

Even fairies would envy such couples of the world.

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