广结善缘 观成法师主讲  回MP3下载区  回目录  粤语VCD下载  回主页

第 二 十 一 辑    (粤语主讲  MP3 格式)                       

1. 白云深处老僧多 4:31
2. 浅谈《地藏菩萨本愿经》(一) 3:27
3. 浅谈《地藏菩萨本愿经》(二) 3:09
4. 浅谈《地藏菩萨本愿经》(三) 3:49
5. 浅谈《地藏菩萨本愿经》(四) 3:33
6. 浅谈《地藏菩萨本愿经》(五) 3:37
7. 天龙八部 (一) 4:14
8. 天龙八部 (二) 4:09
9. 五时说法 3:56
10. 三藏十二部经 3:32
11. 畜道的灵性 4:06
12. 3:38
13. 因果报应 3:29
14. 清․舐犊情深 3:25
15. 元․雪峰禅师诗 3:35







Laozi said, "We may know how to resolve a great conflict, but without reflecting on its root causes, even the fairest resolution will still contain seeds of lingering resentment."
Resentment is born out of emotional attachments that arise from our deluded nature.  Since our true nature has no inherent delusion, how can there be resentment?

Emperor Tang said, "If people are at fault, all blame lies with me."

Zhuangzi said, "All merits lie with others; all faults lie with me."

Although sages are often criticized by others, they criticize no one.  They never bear any hostility.  We should emulate Emperor Shun. (He saw fault only in himself, not in others.  His love and patience touched even those who tried to kill him.)

May we all find encouragement in these words.


The Venerable Master Chin Kung at the age of 78

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